SERIES: Gathering vs. Buying – apples, plums, pears

SERIES: Gathering vs. Buying – apples, plums, pears

In a previous post on blackberries, I covered the idea of gathering versus buying.  Nature and community (friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc.) can provide opportunities for free wild & whole food.  As good managers of our homes, we should absolutely take advantage of these opportunities!  I 

SERIES: Gathering vs. Buying – Blackberries

SERIES: Gathering vs. Buying – Blackberries

We love Summer for an endless list of reasons.  One of the big ones is Summer is harvest and Summer is abundance.  All throughout history, before our supermarkets had global reach and fresh produce became available year-round, Summer was the busiest season of the year 



August is one of my favorite months of the year.  Just the mention of it drums up an image in my mind of completely dry lawn the color of straw, ripened wild blackberries, salmon filets, salmon running in local rivers, fresh corn from local farms, 

one month (or two) at the table

one month (or two) at the table

I can’t recall if I was reading her book that I recently purchased or if it was a video of her where I caught this, but Alice Waters was explaining the importance of the ceremony of sharing a meal with someone.  Making it special by 

refreshing your towels

refreshing your towels

Ever grab your towel after enjoying a hot shower and be surprised by a freshly laundered towel that smells more like a dirty, sweaty t-shirt?  Not pleasant.  It turns out, towels can get a build up of detergent, oils, and other residue that creates this