new year, new goals

new year, new goals

The turning of a new calendar year is a good reminder to set new goals.  You don’t have to do it January 1st.  January 1st goal setting, also known as “New Years Resolutions,” are reserved for people that need motivation.  We (the collective we) don’t need motivation because we’re disciplined. 😊  Our discipline creates habits and habits bypass the need to be motivated.

I created a regular workout habit in 2024.  When the alarm goes off in the morning, I get up, get my workout clothes on and head out to the gym.  What I do varies – in both difficulty and variety from day to day, but I go out to the gym every day, Monday through Friday, and do something for at least 30 minutes.  I don’t even have to think about it anymore.  It doesn’t feel like a morning unless I first spend it out in our cold garage gym.  I have a long way to go with my gym habit.  I have weight to lose and muscle to gain, but I’ve laid a great foundation in 2024 that sets me on the path to be a healthier version of myself.

This is just one example of the power of goals.  Without sitting down and giving thought to what I wanted to accomplish in 2024, I may not have made it to this point with my exercise routine.  There are goals that I know I wouldn’t have accomplished had I not written them down because I may have not even been aware of wanting to accomplish them.  The point is to be intentional.  To time warp yourself to December 31, 2025 and ask yourself, what do I want my life to look like now?  What do I want to have accomplished this past year.  And then go on a date with your spouse or with yourself.  Go sit in a Starbucks, order your favorite drink, and write down what’s most important to you.  I find it helpful to create goals for each of the following categories.  You’ll be amazed by what you accomplish just by making a plan!


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three


  • Goal one
  • Goal two
  • Goal three